When I was a child, I remember how magical my grandmother’s garden was. Now, I’ll start this by saying, “grandmother” and “grandma” just feel too formal – to me, she was always Nannie.

As we head into summer and everything begins to bloom in all its glory, I always spare a thought for my Nannie and her garden. There were snapdragons, foxgloves and the most glorious roses – even now I can remember how her garden smelt. To me, my Nannie always seemed like she could grow miracles, like a true expert gardener. Her garden was wondrous, there were big trees to hide behind, a summer house to play in and a large pond with terrifying fish lurking in the depths – I was convinced it was home to a shark! Not only that but the garden was full of colourful gnomes and painted animals, exploring every corner made me feel like I was Alice, lost in Wonderland. 

I remember her voice calling me over the flowerbeds. I remember how her hands looked and felt from hours spent gardening. I remember how she’d watch out her window at the birds on the bird table. I remember how she’d let me pull the weeds from in-between the patio slabs.

I lost my Nannie 13 years ago but whenever summer is upon us with its colourful blooms, busy bees and wonderful sights and smells, I feel like she’s here and I’m transported back to her garden. 

In my Nannie’s garden with Ben the dog!

This summer I encourage you to get outside, to feel the sun on your skin and smell the beautiful flowers. Go walking in a beautiful garden and just for a second, feel like you are Alice in a glorious topsy-turvy wonderland. 

I know that’s what I’ll be doing.

Until next time,

Rebecca x

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